Listen to the beautiful words of John 6. Jesus does not His own will but it is the Father’s will who sent Him that all that come to Jesus, and eat His flesh and drink His blood shall have eternal life. God’s thoughts and feelings become our own as we partake of His Words and His Spirit.
John 6: 39And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.
We are living in the last day in which He spoke of, in which the dead shall be raised to life eternal.
40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
Notice Christ’s words; that the resurrection to life eternal happens on the last day, that is the Second Coming of Christ. All other teaching is false, such as your dead loved ones are already in heaven as presented at the majority of funeral services. Despite the plainest of teachings as given by Jesus, people are more willing to listen to the serpent’s lies. It is false teachings being held by the churches, causing gross ignorance and making a mockery of God’s Word. God’s truths point to eternal life, and ignorance by following false teachings leads away from the path God would direct us in for salvation.

I need you
I need your forgiveness
I need you
break my heart
like the doe
longs for waters
so i am thirsty
like dry land
That’s my soul
I need you
Far away from You, Lord
I can’t live
It’s not worth existing
listen to my cry
more than the air i breathe
I need you
I can not forget
what have you done for me
how high is the sky
Your mercy is endless
like a parent
pity the children
so you love me
Keep away my transgressions
I need you
And the fights have been trying
walk away from you
coldness and darkness
They try to blind me
But I will not give up
help me Lord
i want to stay
with you until the end