28-10-15 “World Health Organisation (WHO) experts said on Monday that bacon, ham and sausages were as big a cancer threat as tobacco. Experts from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded 50g of processed meat eaten daily increased the
Anthrax infected cows
‘Anthrax infection found in Wiltshire cow’ Anthrax is a highly resilient bug that can survive harsh conditions and its spores are fatal to humans if inhaled. Its spores have been used to create biological weapons by at least five countries
Financial crisis
“Another financial crisis is coming, and we’re still not prepared, warns Min Liao, Director-General of the China Banking Regulatory Commission. Part of an interview series for our Summit on the Global Agenda in Abu Dhabi. It is likely that the world will face
Stevie Nicks
Stevie Nicks has a wonderful unique voice and she tells the story in ‘gypsy’ how she went into the store the velvet underground and she could not afford anything there where other famous artists frequented but from that day she determined and
Chilcot report/ collision of the willing

“Announcement comes days before deadline when families of British soldiers killed in war had threatened to begin legal action over delays….In his long-awaited report, Chilcot is expected to criticise the use of intelligence that suggested Hussein had weapons of mass destruction